
Mortal Kombat PS Vita - Fatalities and Babalities list

The complete list of fatalities and babalities - Mortal Kombat for PS Vita These moves are exactly the same as the fatalities on the PS3 version, the primary difference being that you can perform the directional part on the touchscreen,  Babalities can only be performed if you did not block any attacks in the final round. You can hit the block button, you just can’t block an incoming attack. Baraka Take A Spin  – Forward, Forward, Down, Down, X within sweeping distance Up The Middle  – Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Square within sweeping distance Babality  – Forward, Back, Forward, Circle in jumping distance Stage Fatality  – Down, Down, Down, Down, X at close range Cyber Sub-Zero Brain Freeze  – Down, Down, Back, Down, Square in jumping distance Kold Fusion  – Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle in jumping distance Babality  – Down, Back, Forward, R in jumping distance Stage Fatality  – Down, Down, Up, R at close rang...

MK9 cheat codes PS3-Xbox Versus mode

MK 9 ( Mortal Kombat 2011) codes for versus mode  How to enter MK9 codes (kodes) ?  Enter one of the following cheat codes at the versus loading screen during a two player match to activate the corresponding cheat function. The numbers below represent the number of times you hit the button in each position. At the versus screen before the match starts, Player 1 enters the first 3 digits while Player 2 enters the last 3. Armless Kombat – 911 911 Blocking Disabled – 020 020 Breakers Disabled – 090 090 Dark Kombat – 022 022 Double Dash – 391 193 Dream Kombat – 222 555 Enhance Moves Disabled – 051 150 Explosive Kombat – 227 227 Foreground Objects Disabled – 001 001 Headless Kombat – 808 808 Health Recovery – 012 012 Hyper Fighting – 091 091 Invisible Kombat – 770 770 Jumping Disabled – 831 831 Klassic Music – 101 101 Kombos Disabled – 931 931 No Blood – 900 900 Player 1 Half Health – 110 000 Player 2 Half Health – 000 110 Power Bars Disabled ...

MK2 - Mortal Kombat II Moves Fatalities

MK2 - Mortal Combat II - Moves, Fatalities, Babalities, Friendships, Pit Fatalities .. KEYS: Buttons; Forward F Down D Back B Up U High Punch HP Low Punch LP Block BL High Kick HK Low Kick LK Kung Lao Hat throw: B,F,LP Spin: Hold BL, U,U, Release BL, Rapid LK Teleport: D,U Hammer kick: D+HK in air HAT SPLIT: F,F,F,LK (sweeping distance) DECAP: Hold LP, B,F BABALITY: B,B,F,F,HK FRIENDSHIP: B,B,B,D,HK PIT FATALITY: F,F,F,HP Rayden Shock grasp: Charge HP 3 seconds Torpedo: B,B,F Lightning bolt: D,F,LP Teleport: D,U ELECTROCUTION: Charge LK 5 seconds, Rapid LK+BL (close) SUPER UPPERCUT: Charge HP 7 seconds (close) BABALITY: D,D,U,HK FRIENDSHIP: D,B,F,HK PIT FATALITY: U,U,U,HP Scorpion Harpoon: B,B,LP Teleport: D,B,HP Leg takedown: F,D,B,LK Air throw: BL in air DOUBLE SLICE: Hold HP, F,D,F,F,F (close) INCINERATE: U,U,HP (half screen) TOASTY! INCINERATE: D,D,U,U,HP BABALITY: D,B,B,HK FRIENDSHIP: B,B,D,HK PIT FATALITY: D,F,F,BL

MK9 advanced combos moves

MK9 advanced combos - Mortal Kombat 9 moves Here are some youtube videos of the check4900 . check his youtube channel for more advanced MK9 combos like midscreen combos, wall combos and many more high % damage combos. Mortal Kombat Combos - Wall and Midscreen combos for every character Sub Zero 100 % damage Wall combo Reptile Combos for MK9

MK9 Fatality and Babality List

Printable Mortal Kombat Fatalities and Babalities List - MK9 (2011) This is a list of  all fatalities for mortal kombat, secret fatalities, stage fatalities, and babalities for all MK9 characters, including Freddy Krueger , Kenshi , Rain and Skarlet (requires DLC) Baraka Fatalities   (xbox 360 / ps3) Take A Spin :   Press Forward, Forward, Down, Down, A/X  (when in sweeping distance.) Up The Middle :   Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, X/Square  (when in sweeping distance.) Babality:   Forward, Back, Forward, B/Circle (when in jumping distance.) Stage Fatality:   Down, Down, Down, Down, A/X. ( when close.) Cyber Sub-Zero Fatalities     (xbox 360 / ps3) Brain Freeze :   Press Down, Down, Back, Down, X/Square (when in jumping distance.) Kold Fusion :   Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y/Triangle (when in jumping distance.) Babality:   Down, Back, Forward, RT/R2 (at jumping distance.) Stage ...
