Mortal Kombat PS Vita - Fatalities and Babalities list
The complete list of fatalities and babalities - Mortal Kombat for PS Vita These moves are exactly the same as the fatalities on the PS3 version, the primary difference being that you can perform the directional part on the touchscreen, Babalities can only be performed if you did not block any attacks in the final round. You can hit the block button, you just can’t block an incoming attack. Baraka Take A Spin – Forward, Forward, Down, Down, X within sweeping distance Up The Middle – Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Square within sweeping distance Babality – Forward, Back, Forward, Circle in jumping distance Stage Fatality – Down, Down, Down, Down, X at close range Cyber Sub-Zero Brain Freeze – Down, Down, Back, Down, Square in jumping distance Kold Fusion – Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle in jumping distance Babality – Down, Back, Forward, R in jumping distance Stage Fatality – Down, Down, Up, R at close rang...